My chicken ip address
My chicken ip address

Here are some of the more popular answers:. You only lose your IP if your router is off from before the lease is renewed until after the lease expires and then only if someone else has been assigned the address after your lease expired. Frequently I find myself asking students in my Network+ or Cisco CCNA classes to divulge their favorite resource to use when they want to determine their external (publicly accessible) IP address. Most people who have cable internet and a router connected maintain the same IP over time because the router renews its lease before the lease expires and keeps the same IP. That is how I suspect most people in your situation would resolve this.

my chicken ip address

What you CAN do readily would be to use a DynamicDNS service and people would connect to your server by a domain name rather than IP and whenever your IP changes, the DynamicDNS service provider simply provides that new address to any requesters. Most ISPs will charge you to get a static IP if they even offer it for non-business customers. Once your IP is static that obscurity is gone. In practice, I would probably use the following if I were seeking to fetch my public IP address in a shell script: show public IP curl -s. A dynamic IP provides security through obscurity. There's nothing you can do to make it "hack-proof" as far as an IP address goes. A static IP is just that - static, it doesn't change. Every time I have to call them.wait on hold for 15-30 minutes only to change my IP address by going to IP Chicken.

My chicken ip address